N.Lingusamy's home production Thirupathi Brothers will be producing the film directed by Bala and starring Chiyaan Vikram. Reports say that the Vettai director always wanted to associate with Bala and it is finally happening with the forthcoming untitled project.
The production house sources are tight-lipped about the details and it is only after the release of Bala's next film Paradesi, the news on this project is expected to be out. Earlier, it was said that PVP Cinemas had come forward to produce the film but now it has opted out of this film, thereby making way for the Thirupathi Brothers to take up the responsibility of producing the flick.
It has to be noted that the combo of Bala and Vikram had earlier delivered blockbusters like Sethu and Pithamagan. The filmmaker has also worked with Vishal Krishna in his last film Avan Ivan.
However, Bala is now gearing up for the release of his Pardesi starring Adharvaa, Dhansika and Vedhika. Whereas, Vikram is busy with Shankar's 'I'.
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